Marv recovered a fumble on the opening kick-off of the second half which led to the game's first touchdown.
After pulling on his "uniform", he got on the field and returned the opening kick-off for a 102 yard touchdown.
He started the season off on a good note, scoring on the opening kick-off.
The Tiger-Cat started off strong from the opening kick-off.
The officials were unable to use their whistles after the opening kick-off.
I had to take the opening kick-off.
Georgia Tech took the opening kick-off and methodically marched down the field.
Grange returned the opening kick-off 95 yards for a touchdown and scored four touchdowns in the first quarter to give Illinois a 27-0 lead.
The weird thing about the new Jets is that they seemed to have the game against the Jags in hand almost from the opening kick-off.
Following halftime, the Red Raiders received the opening kick-off of the second half.