The right tone is struck by the opening invocation, a nod to token creativity: Marty Pinnecoose portrays a shaman, obviously engaged in a purification rite through his gestures but not so obviously attempting to enter the world of the spirits.
The poet's ambition, as stated in the opening invocation, is to catalog transformations on every scale, from the microscopic to the cosmic, from the creation of the world up to the moment that the stories are told.
Her voice was a little lower than usual as she wove the familiar words of the opening invocation.
While campaigning for a U.S. Senate seat, group member Keith Butler delivered the opening invocation at the Battle Cry stadium event in Detroit on April 8, 2006.
After an opening invocation adapted from a traditional Kathak dance, the audience can trickle through the plaza and join the movement or dabble in workshops ranging from Latin and sword dancing to creative writing, knitting and mask making.
An opening invocation praising Gesar's heroism is set with grand chords and sweeps in the piano parts and ceremonious lyricism in the brass and percussion.
At times, as in the opening invocation and conclusion, the music has a bothersome rhetorical insistence.
Zjar Uruluzu, futurist, interfaith liturgist, author of the opening invocation for Ahhhh!
Finding a priest from Queens willing to give the opening invocation has been an impossible task.
To the Biblical texts this adds the opening invocation "Theotokos Virgin," the name "Mary" and the concluding "because it was the Saviour of our souls that thou barest."