Like software developers in the open-source community, the insurgents have subordinated their individual goals to the common goal of the movement.
"A lot of people are in the open-source community because they think it is the right thing to do," he added.
The open-source community has been pretty cavalier about this.
Taking on the name Worldchanging in 2011, the network is an open-source community dedicated to improving living conditions through innovative and sustainable design.
Opengear's products are built on a Linux software base, and the company is an active contributor to the open-source community.
This is yet another positive sign of Adobe's willingness to work with the open-source community in the service of common goals and interests.
"But we're also doing this now because we're now in a position to offer support for Debian, to give something back to the open-source community."
We also want to protect the open-source community which makes a vital contribution to competitiveness in the area of software development.
You see, there are several types of people in the open-source community: 1.
"We pay no licensing fee for the software, and engineers feel motivated to work on a new kind of project that helps the open-source community."