While declaring that bacteria are no longer being disseminated over cities, the Army admits that during the 1980's it conducted more than 170 open-air tests at Dugway.
Operation Roller Coaster was a series of open-air nuclear tests conducted by the United States on the Tonopah Test Range in 1963.
Project 56 was a series of open-air nuclear tests conducted by the United States in Area 11 of the Nevada Test Site between 1955 and 1956.
During the two decades following the open-air test, questions about public safety began to appear with disturbing frequency.
They admitted to conducting open-air tests with both simulants and live agents.
Project 57 was an open-air nuclear test conducted by the United States at the Nellis Air Force Range in 1957.
The U.S. Army Ballistic Research Laboratory conducts open-air and X-tunnel tests using depleted uranium.
For the first time the Federal Government has approved open-air test spraying of a genetically engineered virus as an insecticide, the Environmental Protection Agency said yesterday.
Japan is downwind of North Korea and could be affected by an open-air test.
Because of the short life of radioactive iodine, there is no danger to people who moved into this area after the open-air tests stopped, in 1962.