It is planned that it could open within five years.
The company grew from one store opened in January 1990 to almost 500 stores within 5 years.
If they can be found this spring, the first new buildings could open within two years, she said.
The group said the Long Island version was likely to become a fourth or even fifth lane opened to all traffic within two years.
The new building is expected to open within two years.
Mr. Reynolds said he had signed contracts with franchisees to open 500 more stores within two to three years.
As most of the cutting work was already done, it opened within two years.
The area did not have a school, and in the face of considerable opposition, Bompas had opened one within two years.
Of the five temples in Australia, four were opened within three years.
Other penalties applied if it failed to open a restaurant within three years of paying a fee.