I opened my eyes under the water and looked about.
"So did he have to open it under his real name?"
The door opened under my hand, and we stepped in.
He is proud of having opened it a year ago, under the old Government.
The door opened under our hand and the common room of the inn.
It opened on March 16, 1996 after nearly three years under construction.
Later, Lewis opened a second cut under the same eye.
The post office opened under that name on 1 April 1890.
Although the airport did open, it opened under a high level of security.
The tiny green light went on, and the door handle opened under my hand.
After his death in 1942, the studio remained open under the same name.
A better answer is open under any system: less patronage.
The tournament will be open to players aged 19 and under.
The tournament was only open to teams under two years old.
A book is open under the lamp, as if he's about to return at any moment to pick up his place in the text.
Many of the park's attractions are not yet open at the time, and still under testing.
This time it was only open to teams under two years old.
The Court was open to all the nations of the world under certain broad conditions.
Why was the window left open under those trees, the one we first came in through?
She hadn't mentioned him, despite being so open about her family, brothers, work- almost everything under the sun.