The movie opened nationally on August 25, 1939.
His movie, which opens nationally today, goes down easy and takes a while to digest, but its message is certainly worth the loss of your appetite.
An unconditional delight, which has so far been almost impossible to see (the movie opens nationally on Friday).
The film, which opens nationally today, is bland but harmless.
Because "Timeline," which opens nationally today, doesn't have a genuinely human moment, the travelers' fates are a matter of indifference.
When the film opened nationally in 2003, the reviews were largely compendiums of such quirks.
If the door to private prisons should open nationally, Mr. Crants says, his company is ready to expand.
"Around the World in 80 Days," which opens nationally today, is really a silent comedy with spoken subtitles.
It opened nationally in China on March 6.
A studio film, opening nationally, that takes in at least $10 million at the box office is considered successful.