Wastewater ran in open gutters where barefooted children splashed in play and women emptied chamber pots from upper-story windows, yelling "Heads up!"
Newbuil, whose name is short for "new building," is a sprawling collection of wobbly houses jammed together beside open gutters.
The road was filthy, an open gutter down the middle running with sewage.
What they could not carry away they attempted to destroy by dumping in the river, burning, or throwing into the open gutters.
Improvement was slow, and large cities of the East and South depended to the end of the century mainly on drainage through open gutters.
Did you see the open gutter outside my home?
Sewage runs into open gutters on the street.
The proboscis is a sheet-like structure, rolled around into a cylindrical tube with an open gutter at the ventral surface.
The protesters scattered screaming into alleys and doorways, stumbling over open gutters, crouching by walls and then, in a new wave of panic, running again.
He glanced around at the grimy walls, the open gutter and the few windows blacked with dirt.