However, Wikipedia doesn't encourage such open disclosure.
An open disclosure of a specification for the communication concept with some of these products is missing.
And now a technological miracle-or accident-seemed to be delivering the most profound tool for open disclosure imaginable into the hands of private citizens.
DESPITE Russia's well-earned reputation for companies run like gangster fiefs, a small but growing number of blue-chip concerns now embrace ideas like shareholder rights, open disclosure and bottom-line management.
While not specifying how the current review process could be strengthened, Mr. Giuliani said yesterday that "there should be open books, open disclosure."
Mrs. Mooney intends to talk to Mr. Doran and demand that he marry Polly or risk open disclosure.
We found through our open disclosures we were able to raise public awareness.
We have embraced the principle of open disclosure and no legal excuse may be used against it.
Among the remedies they advocate are greater use of computers, which can detect dangerous drug interactions and incorrect dosages, enrollment of health professionals in "teamwork training" and more open disclosure of mistakes.
Without open disclosure and peer review, they say, the quality of research may suffer.