Can you put the Windows standard file open dialog, which is usually supplied in toto by the OS, into a wizard?
I tried to use the open dialog to open a local file, to no avail.
The app can bring up an open dialog and then open the files the user selects.
Pixiq was a photography website for photo experts and enthusiasts to engage in an open and on-going dialog about photography, aimed at teaching photography, news, techniques, etc.
Leaders made themselves available to employees and unions, promoted open and constructive dialog, and were receptive to ideas and suggestions from employees at all levels.
Introducing, promoting and informing the people in the United States with the Turkish history and culture by bringing people together in an open dialog.
Interviews are open dialogs with notable scholars.
Those political leaders - those women - have paved the way for continued and open dialog.
Once you have chosen, click O.K. on all the open dialog boxes.