He pointed at Blade, and motioned him forward, into the open circle.
His feet made no sound on the needles, and he came at last to the open circle in the forest.
From that position, he saw the woman rush into the open circle.
Anybody could use the open circle at any time, but one of these you must reserve and pay for.
Jim parkedI his car beside one of those in the open circle, got out, and looked around.
Camille could see through the car's front window, all the way to the open circle of water.
He made his first recorder say: "Land in the open circle at the center of the village.
The open circle on the underside of the work looks like a lens, which has to do with seeing.
He watched my mouth run around and end up in an open circle.
Four men and two women were there, stripped, lying face down in an open circle.