The warning which I had already received seemed to intimate, that my own personal liberty might be endangered by an open appearance in Owen's behalf.
The object is not a massacre, it's to retain the height and spread you want with a balanced, open appearance.
Christmas tree consumers in Europe prefer trees with less density and a more open, layered appearance.
In 1850 the gardens were reconstructed as an English style park with a more open and natural appearance.
The subway-like street crossings of the former section give way to steel trestles for the streets, giving the line a more open appearance.
This gives the park a more open appearance.
Projecting window bays in both halves allow large exposures of glass, giving the building an open appearance despite its mass.
The open appearance of Montreal excited in Rome no inconsiderable sensation.
Also, the main structural elements were moved to below the bridge deck, thus giving a much more open appearance.
Brandeis rose; it was his first open appearance, the German firm signing its revolutionary work.