Connecticut, which opens Thursday in Cincinnati, faces a difficult matchup against Nebraska.
The show, his fourth to be produced in New York, opens Thursday at Primary Stages.
In previews; opens Thursday; through March 30.
The play opens Thursday at the Royale Theater.
The tour opened Thursday night in Sacramento to what the local paper described as a sell-out crowd.
In previews; opens Thursday; through March 16.
He opened Thursday - on his 45th birthday - with a two-over 73 and had a 69 Friday for a two-day 142.
The play, with its changing cast of two, opens Thursday at 7 p.m. and runs through May 12.
The show opens Thursday at the Ritz Theater, 219 West 48th Street.
The exhibition opens Thursday with a preview reception for students and their parents, and then continues through next Sunday.