But then an American fleet forcibly opened Japan to foreign trade, and then the Japanese made up for lost time.
He left 10 years before signing the treaty that opened Japan to foreign trade.
He sought to open Japan to the world.
He said it would only stiffen the Clinton Administration's resolve to use market share targets to open Japan to imports.
Trade agreements and the tightening of capital markets have opened Japan to foreign investment.
The party is the most resistant to reforms that Americans believe could open Japan to American exports and services.
If the gulf war was any guide, that process could take months, opening Japan to more criticism that it is slow to respond.
He starts with a look at Perry's mission to open Japan in the 1850s.
The tradition dates back to the Meiji Restoration of 1868, which opened Japan to outside influences.
The race to be the first to have the prestigious honor of opening Japan to the world was still a Russian dream.