Allen's father sounded distant and disapproving, and he passed onto his son the image of a man as someone who never felt pain or fear.
Sutton was the granddaughter of an oil tycoon in California, who had passed the oil business onto his son.
This venture began to fail after only a few years but Dennis passed the land onto his son John.
Unfortunately, his skill did not rub off onto his son Icarus.
Her mind is copied onto her son, a process which she survives only due to the effects of her zone implant.
In 1872, Grimm passed the original farmstead onto his son Frank.
Philippe collapsed onto his son after suffering a fatal stroke at noon 9 June 1701 at the age of sixty.
Grissom's father taught botany at a local college and passed his enthusiasm for natural sciences onto his son.
Some of the leases were given to Isabel after Edward's death, and they passed onto their son Henry.
By 1764 Dirck passed the mansion onto his son Theunis.