Her onstage interview with an LA Times reporter was entertaining stuff, even if the chief amusement lay in watching a celebrity publicly unravel.
The season opens Sept. 24 with a reading by Salman Rushdie, preceded by an onstage interview for The Paris Review.
Instead, he took part in an onstage interview with his chief technology officer, Ray Ozzie, and a University of Washington computer scientist, Ed Lazowska.
He received a more practical lesson, on points that Mr. Quasthoff emphasized again in an onstage interview with Ara Guzelimian after the coaching session.
For the onstage interview, each of the semifinalists is asked how she feels about doctors' attempts to cure the deaf.
For the occasion, she's been persuaded to appear that evening at the Film Forum, 209 West Houston Street in the South Village, for an onstage interview with the film historian Foster Hirsch.
The festival also includes workshops, readings, onstage interviews and cabaret.
During his onstage interview with Nic Harcourt, KCRW's music director, Mr. Islam said that his return to pop might have happened sooner.
He also conducted an onstage interview and performance with the indie rock trio Yo La Tengo.
"An Evening with Don Hertzfeldt" presented a 35mm selection of his work followed by an onstage interview and audience chat with him.