There, two additional onscreen characters are introduced, and the story then follows the events that unfold.
The localized versions of the game are almost identical to the original Japanese version, with only the menu text and voices of the game's onscreen characters being changed.
Sometimes the characters onscreen are so vivid that any flaws in their presentation can be quickly forgotten.
Instead, Bean pushed close enough to see when Bonzo's onscreen character died - again.
The fighting scene in The Truce Hurts stops as the onscreen characters pause their fight to watch the ongoing fight in the seats.
Because of this, Chris was already known as a "playboy" by both the characters onscreen and the audience.
In reality, Dixie Carter was a Republican who disagreed with the liberal views spouted by her onscreen character.
The game originally featured a larger cast of onscreen characters and more abundant character development.
During the game, the player controls the onscreen character from a third-person perspective to interact with people, objects, and enemies.
Yet Hansard and Irglová were quite happy with the unrequited ending for their onscreen characters.