Since it was the only variant, it was commonly known as the P.7.
Most significantly, it is the only variant in which a kicking team can score a field goal.
The game is played on a 7x7 board and uses the drop rule; it's the only Japanese variant to do so.
It was easier to use the signs, where his origin didn't show; every tribe used the same signs, with only minor variants.
Bright red was the only variant on black and white in clothes that looked comfortable as well as easy to wear.
This was the only variant and no L Types were offered.
Its the only variant to come in more than one finish and they are black, nickel and carbon.
I designed the technology around the golf ball because it is the only variant that does not change.
The last word was the only variant of "evolved" in the first five editions of the book.
Aside from the 11 early vehicles with a Porsche suspension, the only variant developed was the Sd.