He added that the episode "is such a mess that the only semblance of control comes from the obvious manipulation of every plot point."
But at present, Gramm-Rudman offers us the only semblance of discipline in the budgeting process by targeting the process to a certain number.
The only semblance of retaliation by the Mets came in the second inning.
And Carron, the gigantic commander of the legion of peace, the only semblance of an army allowed humans.
Now, the only semblance of a home she knew was Mermaids' Island.
Right now, the Knicks' only semblance of an offense is embodied in Patrick Ewing.
About two hundred yards into the bight, a sloping beach of chunky dark rock offered the only semblance of a camp.
By all accounts, the cottage, which was sold in 1919, was the only semblance of a home the O'Neills ever had.
He did not say that the wooded grove gave the house in question its only semblance of character or dignity.
Without a real army or police force to protect them, Afghan citizens turn to any or all of these groups for their only semblance of security.