The only real letdown that season was a 5-0 home defeat by Liverpool on 6 November 1982.
The only letdown was a serious disruption to the international air traffic control system that had delayed her plane by four hours.
His only letdown was Bryan Bellows's 45th goal of the season.
The only letdown was a mealy and dry duck-and-fig terrine.
The only letdown was the lifeless sauce.
The only letdown was the Mayflower cookie plate - five large, boring cookies that tasted commercially made.
The only letdown among the appetizers was the hot shrimp Dijon.
The only letdown was a bowl of angel hair pasta in a flat-tasting chicken broth.
The only letdown was a sour cream coffee cake that was dried out.
The only other letdown was the slow-roasted pork T-bone chop, which had not been roasted slowly enough.