The only egress .
With the gateway closed and guarded, its outlet constituted the only possible egress to a man unassisted.
This is the Convent of San Zaccaria,' Celeste said, leading him out of the campo via the only other egress.
The only egress led outside onto a parapet where machicolations fronted the west barbican, above the top of the massive main gate.
And talk to Grego; the company controlled the only existing egress from the planet.
The Glorious Revolution of 1688 plunged the Anglican Church into total ideological confusion, from which pure utilitarianism was the only possible egress.
I find myself in a literal purgatory from which I cannot help but believe the only egress is downward into a hell I don't deserve.
The door was the only conceivable egress, for there was no possible foothold outside the narrow window.
The only egress was the aperture in the floor up to which the crude, steep staircase led.
Your only egress is toward the castle of the Zombie Master, and even that is uncertain now.