His maneuvering blunted the opposition of the only constituency with enough power to defeat his plan.
The only parliamentary constituency within the district is Kottayam.
Conventional wisdom to the contrary, shareholders are by no means the only constituency that counts.
The press wasn't the only constituency under assault.
The only constituency not represented in Dallas was, perhaps, the most important: the athletes.
The only constituency where the party did not endorse a candidate was Swan River.
Although organized labor is not the Labor Secretary's only constituency, it has usually been a very important one.
East Honiara, with an electorate of 30,049 in 2006, is the only constituency in the country to consist more than 20,000 voters.
It is the only constituency bordering with all the other five, included the urban ones of Reykjavík.
Fathers are not the only constituency that volunteer groups are aiming for.