For the first time, he appeared vulnerable to what would be the city's only successful mayoral campaign by a Republican in a generation.
Ours is the only campaign with a chance to defend itself during those five months.
His only difficult campaign came in 1962, at age 85, when he defeated a young conservative.
"It is the only campaign from a private company that we think has been effective."
"That's about the only recent campaign that stood out," she said.
The 2000 election was Lambert's only campaign for public office at the provincial or federal level.
It was, I must admit, the only unsuccessful campaign we have had.
It was to be his only campaign; he captured the duke, then pardoned and released him.
Mr. Perot said his was the only campaign initiated by the public.
"The only campaign he's focused on at the moment is the one to make New Yorkers' lives a little better."