These new typefaces were "designed for online reading of business documents, email, and web pages."
Hmmm, as tarot is ok let me see if I can get an online reading...
Books in printed form, and those available for online reading.
Will the speed of online reading deplete our analytic thought?
Course lessons include online reading followed by offline textbook work and then the lesson test, also called an assessment.
On what she reads: "I try not to do a lot of online reading.
This area of research has focused on the discussion of multiple texts and building sustainable cognition along with a transition to online reading.
The Internet was supposed to help, but it turns out that the majority of online reading is probably closer to scanning, says Quittner.
Or are they too long for online reading?
Seltzer's decision to take piracetam was based on his own online reading, which included medical-journal abstracts.