He said the hackathon would go on, financed by modest online donations of $50 or $100.
The average online donation to the Neediest Cases is between $25 and $50.
The campaign began accepting online donations on April 4, 2011, the day Obama announced his candidacy.
Several companies, including Microsoft, have set up a Web site called libertyunites.org as a clearinghouse for online donations.
There was also a jump in online donations this year through the use of NYCharities.org.
He raised $750 million, about a third through small online donations.
Their website allows searching on charity types, and accepts online donations.
The number of online donations increased 105 percent over last year, and the amount of money given, $554,000, was up 120 percent.
In addition to making an online donation, there are other ways to contribute to the Library of Congress.
Their website is usually quiet, but before long they had hits from 15 different countries with many online donations.