It is an online collaboration in video game development, drawing on both established professionals and novices.
Is online collaboration the future of how companies do business?
Unlike open access, true open research must demonstrate live, online collaboration.
It need only be pushed forward, so it can catch up to others with more experience in online collaboration: the open-source software movement.
This is called online collaboration, and it could streamline teamwork over the Web.
Information Communication and Technology creates open, online collaboration.
What nobody is talking about is the kind of social communication training required for online collaboration.
The writing project, begun in 1998, was undertaken as an online collaboration, first via an interactive web site and later through a listserv.
Aluka's mission is to connect scholars from around the world by building a common platform that allows online collaboration and knowledge sharing.
This was part of an online collaboration by 200 of the best travel bloggers and writers out there.