PLAN also hosts an online calendar of events for activities focusing on the lake.
The site shares some features with other social network services, such as user profiles, an online calendar and private messaging.
The wall planner can be used in conjunction with an online calendar that has links to learning and teaching resources for each global event.
This disadvantage of the initially launched online calendars became a bane for most users.
Further, many people found the idea of an online calendar weird because they felt that it is impossible to access the Internet everywhere!
Now the concept has moved to other desktop services, from online calendars to word-processing programs that run over the Web.
The website contains an online calendar where each day of the year can be purchased for the purposes of advertising.
I just want a list of where I need to be, when, and it's surprising that very few online calendars can handle this.
The Center also keeps an online monthly calendar of events and changing exhibitions.
There is, however, a crucial element missing from the online calendars: chocolate.