When Fred Flare, an online boutique, opened its Tee Shop last month, the venture was supposed to be small.
VienneMilano is a Boston-based hosiery brand and online boutique specializing in Italian thigh high stockings.
The line debuted at Kitson's online boutique in 2008.
But the street dates came and went and online boutiques listed these reissues on 'backorder', basically meaning they were abandoned and weren't coming out.
He designed a shirt for the online boutique of Hatebreed's Jamey Jasta, Hatewear.
The Tomas Maier label was established in 1997 and an online boutique was launched in 1998.
The line became available at Kitson's online boutique.
She is currently writing a book based on her life and recently opened an online boutique called Franne's Closet.
Briggs & Riley luggage can be purchased from independent retailers across the United States and Canada, as well as through its online boutique.
Scott says that the online boutique works out great, "because we're still in college and we don't have to maintain a storefront 24/7."