Even the condiments served - red onion chutney, tamarind sauce and green sauce (made with mint, coriander, tomato, celery and lemon) - all had a fresh sparkle.
These idlies are served with sambar and also with more than three varieties of chutney like coconut chutney, cilantro chutney, onion chutney and mint.
Other available options were pork medaillons with onion chutney and pike quenelle lyonnaise.
Be good to yourself with kangaroo fillet with onion chutney, John Dory fillet, beef with morels and luscious wines.
Onions are often chopped and used as an ingredient in various hearty warm dishes, and may also be used as a main ingredient in their own right, for example in French onion soup or onion chutney.
For the onion chutney, place the onions, caster sugar and balsamic vinegar into a medium saucepan.
Spread some onion chutney onto the remaining pastry.
Seared foie gras, one of his specialties, was a marvelous example: its sweetness drawn out by cubed yellow beets and onion chutney; its creaminess underscored with barely-cooked quail egg.
Starters include country pate with onion chutney and snail salad; entrees range from filet mignon, fowl and pastas to a simple wild mushroom omelet; desserts include creme brulee and Key lime pie.
C Map Old-style and elegant, this ode to regional cuisine - think meat, game and terrines accompanied by sweet onion chutney - fills a white-shuttered townhouse.