An ongoing survey would be much more flexible, permitting more rapid introduction of new measures and much wider content than the Census.
With over 650,000 test responses as of 2011, this is perhaps the largest ongoing survey of multiplayer game players.
Management includes ongoing surveys, along with a program to map the vegetation communities.
He has been following 10,000 people since the late 1980's for an ongoing survey of families and households.
An ongoing survey conducted by several organizations identified more than 120 mental health courts across the country as of 2006.
They have now developed into an ongoing, nationally representative survey based on telephonic household interviews.
It should, however, be remembered that extraction of this raw material requires ongoing exploratory surveys.
These calculations were based on an ongoing survey of more than 24,000 students nationwide, which began in 1988 when those students were in eighth grade.
Staff from the Current Surveys Program conduct ongoing and special surveys about people and their characteristics.