Some have interpreted this affair as proof of ongoing hostility toward Jews among French Canadians.
Kuwait was suspected of having exaggerated the incident to underscore its need for international support against ongoing Iraqi hostility.
The White House said that the troops would not be deployed "to any area of ongoing hostilities."
The fort was built because of ongoing hostilities with the Cherokee, but it was apparently never attacked.
By the late 1780s, the United States had suffered over 1,500 casualties in ongoing hostilities.
This was partly due to the ongoing hostility of the Senate, as mentioned above, but also due to his respect for the senators.
Soldiers killed in battle on foreign soil with ongoing hostilities were probably given a mass cremation or burial.
He retained this territory for many years despite ongoing hostilities with the Cholas.
But ongoing hostilities during the French and Indian War delayed permanent settlement until 1764.
Presidents from both parties used the ongoing hostilities of the cold war to strengthen their military prerogatives during the conflicts in Korea and Vietnam.