This led to an ongoing exchange concerning both poetry and ideology between the two.
Routinization: In this phase, a pattern of ongoing social exchange between the leader and the member becomes established.
There is a large ongoing academic exchanges between Guyana and the United States as academic conferences.
What's been created is basically an ongoing exchange of saliva between the media establishment and the people who can provide good news.
This grew into an ongoing exchange of ideas that led to sculptures based on food imagery.
The two organizations created an ongoing language-tutoring exchange between students.
For one thing, it is part of an ongoing exchange - in the true sense - between musical counterparts.
A simple, silent communion of being, an ongoing exchange of spirit that could not possibly be expressed other than as itself.
However, the Federation has been very forthcoming in their ongoing exchange of information with us.
The key objective of the alliance should be to offer support to the Member States through this ongoing exchange.