Current threats include illegal hunting, entanglement in fishing nets and river pollution, as well as ongoing destruction of forest.
The illegal pet trade, together with the ongoing destruction of natural habitat and its high mortality rate before sexual maturity, causes considerable concern for the future of this tarantula.
The policy change also comes amid a growing international outcry over the ongoing destruction of forests by farmers and developers.
Soon he became aware of the ongoing destruction of the surrounding forests and decided to do something against this catastrophe.
Gold is merely a store of real value that reflects the ongoing destruction of currencies by central banks.
Unchecked industrialization and urban development have resulted in deforestation and the ongoing destruction of wetlands such as the Songdo Tidal Flat.
To the Editor: Your Oct. 15 and Sept. 27 editorials have done much to publicize the ongoing destruction of the world's tropical rain forests.
The plaintiffs claim that ongoing destruction of the endangered Indiana bat's habitat is occurring in violation of the U.S. Endangered Species Act.
Predation from the introduced red fox is a factor, but the critical issues are changed fire regimes and the ongoing destruction and fragmentation of habitat.
Although this ongoing destruction is lamentable, it has provided a wealth of fresh archaeological materials for surface investigation.