You may have an ongoing cough or develop a severe cough.
Butterbur is used for pain, upset stomach, stomach ulcers, migraine and other headaches, ongoing cough, chills, anxiety, plague, fever, trouble sleeping (insomnia), whooping cough, asthma, hay fever (allergic rhinitis), and for irritable bladder and urinary tract spasms.
This product is usually not used for ongoing cough from smoking or long-term breathing problems (such as chronic bronchitis, emphysema) unless directed by your doctor.
People with TB symptoms, such as an ongoing cough, night sweats, and unexplained weight loss.
Have symptoms of tuberculosis (TB), such as an ongoing cough, night sweats, or unexplained weight loss.
Comment: Ive been taking this when needed for 3 years due to an ongoing cough that my doctor hasnt been able to figure out.
He soon began gambling and realized this was a more profitable source of income, since patients feared going to his office because of his ongoing cough.
This medication is not usually used for ongoing coughs from smoking, asthma, other long-term breathing problems (such as emphysema), or coughs with a lot of mucus unless directed by your doctor.
About half of those with COPD don't know it.even though they may have symptoms such as shortness of breath, ongoing cough, wheezing or chest tightness.