This was Data, the first successful positronic android, champion of android rights, and onetime member of the Enterprise's crew.
They signed Golden State refugee Mario Elie, a onetime member of the 10-day contract club who has become quite the useful utilityman.
As a onetime member of Act Up, I've learned how easily nostalgia can tinge any notion of political opposition.
He was an early member of the American Civil Liberties Union and a onetime member of its national committee.
Brown was a onetime member of Crooked Fingers.
This may be the only school whose namesake has been changed from a Republican judge to a onetime member of the Young Communist League.
Many of the shipping companies and investment firms that used to be in lower Manhattan have moved, taking with them the club's onetime members.
Jack was a onetime member of Texas Troubadors who needed to go solo and solo he went with great success.
The onetime members of the Midwestern Conference and the conferences they later joined are:
His contract expired after the past season, and Mirabal, a onetime member of the Yankees organization, was free to sign with a major league team.