Like most of his retail positions, this one imposed what he considered to be onerous - and unnecessary - requirements.
In most cases this will not be an onerous requirement.
Given the large allowed error, it is not expected that this is too onerous a requirement.
For example, the bill places onerous requirements on Americans who wish to sponsor legal immigrants.
An environmental impact statement is not an onerous requirement.
"People think life in the fast lane is easy, but it has onerous requirements like this one."
"At first glance, it does not appear to be an onerous requirement to simply refer people to the airline Web site," he said.
State officials also want to change what they see as one of the most onerous requirements of the Medicaid law.
The new call for designers and architects would have less onerous requirements for experience, officials said.
It also dropped the onerous requirement that couples needed approval from their employers.