The film had a one-week run grossing ₱ 6.15 Million at the box office.
The three-hour show sold out during its one-week run in Rome and is hitting the road throughout Italy for about 50 more performances.
Shortly after the song's one-week run at number one, the group broke up and Harry Wayne Casey went solo.
Securing a one-week run in at least five markets, the filmmaker keeps all of box office receipts and retains all rights to their film.
The cost is $50 per ad of 50 words or less for a one-week run.
If the show is successful, ABC may bring it back for one-week runs as many as three times a year.
He recouped the entire amount despite an $8 ticket and a one-week run.
(The film had a one-week run in Manhattan late last year to qualify for Oscars.)
Now, his camp for musicians who just never got the chance to go pro fills three big bands during its one-week run.
The film failed to gross its estimated $8,000 and earned only $6,500 following a one-week run at the Princess Theatre.