It sometimes included one-time sources of revenue that it knew were unlikely to continue without fully disclosing to investors its deteriorating prospects.
To make up for the shortfall, the city would generate a one-time source of income for the schools by refinancing some property.
But he described it as "a one-shot" - a one-time source of revenue.
Mr. Pataki has long been a critic of using so-called one-shots, one-time sources of revenue, to pay for permanent programs.
Mr. Bacot stressed the "quality of these results," which contained no one-time or nonrecurring sources of income.
The budget also includes fewer "one shots," which are one-time sources of revenue that will not be around next year.
"That tells us that the company is not using accounting maneuvers to inflate their earnings or booking income from one-time sources."
Allied players have a third one-time sources of money using a spy to steal an enemy's money.
Reliance on one-time sources of money to pay for continuing needs throws the budget farther out of balance in the future.
On the revenue side, Mr. Gulotta apparently proposed not a single one-time source of revenue, like selling county land or property.