Ifans, you may recall, was a one-time member of SFA back in the day.
The gang committed a series of major daylight robberies during 1930 and 1931, but several minor and one-time members were killed.
A one-time member of Mapai, in 1961 he was amongst the founders of the Liberal Party.
Another one-time member of the Golden Dawn with whom he had a documented connection was Allan Bennett.
April 7 - Edward Edwards, murderer and one-time member of the FBI's most wanted list (b. 1933)
Ms. Boudin, 60, a one-time member of the Weather Underground, had been denied parole just three months ago.
He is a self-taught percussionist and one-time member of British busking/cabaret musical group Pookiesnackenburger.
Fofana Bakary, a one-time member of the Ivory Coast Olympic boxing team, ventured out recently on a snow board.
Big Man, a one-time member, however, joins a government reform team.
He later became a well-known Oxford lecturer, author of several fundamental Africanist books and a one-time member of the Communist Party.