The latest person arrested in Boptrot was George Atkins, a lobbyist who is a former State Auditor and one-time candidate for Governor.
Thomas Eagleton, former U.S. Senator for Missouri and one-time vice-presidential candidate, became a partner in the firm after the end of his Senate career.
He is a former vice-president of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and was a one-time candidate for the presidency of that organization.
This operation was funded in part with the financial assistance of H. Ross Perot, American patriot, billionaire and one-time Presidential candidate.
Rove agreed to debate one-time presidential candidate and former Senator John Edwards on September 26, 2008, at the University at Buffalo.
In the brief debate over the bill, Senator John McCain, the Arizona Republican and one-time presidential candidate, excoriated his colleagues.
She was also a one-time candidate for position of Assyrian representative in Iran's Parliament.
"They will do something with those piers when hair grows on my palms," said Mr. Hirschfeld, a one-time candidate for lieutenant governor.
He was a member of the Assembly from 1973 to 1990 and was a one-time candidate for the Democratic nomination for Governor of New Jersey.
A former senator and one-time presidential candidate, Selina often feels powerless, disregarded and discontent in her position as second in command.