It is not surprising that a one-time Presidential aide turned Washington columnist (for this newspaper) should have chosen the capital, and not the battlefield or beleaguered countryside, as his central canvas.
Mr. Russell is working with Pierre Salinger, the former ABC News correspondent and one-time aide to President John F. Kennedy, who is a vocal proponent of the Navy missile theory.
Finally, Gewirtz cites Congressional testimony by Susan Ralston, one-time aide to Karl Rove, who stated before Congress that Rove had lost his BlackBerry device on more than one occasion.
The Republicans nominated Paul W. Cronin, a former state representative and one-time aide to Morse.
Mr. Cuomo said publicly that he favored nominating a woman, made calls to that effect, and was believed by many to favor Ms. Eldridge, a one-time aide.
A one-time aide to a former Manhattan Asssemblyman charged yesterday that the Assemblyman, Mark Alan Siegel, had sexually harassed her and that her complaint was dismissed when she took it to the Assembly.
Robert D. Crane, a Muslim convert and one-time aide to Richard Nixon, called the novel, "Islamophobia," "a subliminal mimetic," and an "emotional demonization of Islam and Muslims."
After Sedov's death, Trotsky initiated an investigation of Etienne and entrusted the matter to Rudolf Klement, his one-time aide and organizer of Trotsky's Fourth International.
(In fact, Johnson never believed his own charges against Arnett, his one-time aide Bill Moyers said recently.)
Stanton Davis Kirkham was named after Stanton by his father, Murray S. Davis, one-time confidential military aide to Stanton during his period as Secretary of War.