Far from being a one-street town, Sligo turned out to be a city, the centre criss-crossed with bright, lively shopping streets.
It was a one-street town with hitching rails before most of the buildings.
A visitor to Shewa Robit in 1985 described the town as "a one-street town of ramshackle adobes.
Despite the studio's influence, in many ways Playas de Rosarito remains a one-horse, one-street town.
However, despite its lofty position as capital of the largest province in Panama, La Palma is literally a one-street town.
In August Baidoa, a one-street town about 150 miles northwest of Mogadishu, became the first global symbol of the ravaging extent of Somalia's famine.
We drove through tidy, thriving, one-street towns and passed empty farmhouses that spoke of abandoned prairie dreams.
Manigango itself is a dusty one-street town that looks unmistakably like the movie set for a Tibetan Western.
This small one-street town is in the Taliban heartland, and the message from the townspeople was bleak.
In Nyamata, a muddy one-street town an hour's drive south of Kigali, more than 2,000 Tutsi were killed, and as many as 36,000 in the surrounding district.