Although the local press proclaimed Simon the victor of a one-sided debate he remained downcast by the national dailies which were now predicting a landslide for Labour.
So far the one-sided debate hardly resembles the run-up to the gulf war in 1991.
Unfortunately, there has been a one-sided debate in which costs are specific, benefits general.
No similar structures elsewhere in the world were then known and the one-sided debate soon fell into obscurity.
The one-sided debate about IQ misleads the public and trivialises the subject.
As long as he supported a woman's right to "choose" and engaged in delusional one-sided debates with Reagan, Packwood was protected.
It shouldn't be a one-sided debate.
So far, though, it is a curiously one-sided debate.
His views are largely omitted to avoid a discussion about them, resulting in a one-sided debate.
We have had a one-sided debate here about the Constitution.