A one-semester course of lectures on General Relativity given by him.
Oklahoma History is a one-semester course that's required by law for graduation, however the bombing was only covered for one to two pages at most in textbooks.
Two one-semester courses may substitute for a full year.
Each student is required to take the one-semester course, which explains community service, multiculturalism and values training.
This first journalism course was placed within the English department as a one-semester two-credit course entitled English 33.
As another example, OCS seniors are taught a one-semester course in creation science.
To put it another way, she took 30 one-semester courses.
Fresh out of Tennessee State's one-semester course, she was the new law enforcement seasonal in her first national park job.
Many colleges and universities demand that every student take a one-semester course commonly known as Freshman Comp, which is supposed to promote literacy.
Mr. Dilzer has been teaching a popular one-semester elective course in world religions for 20 years.