"You don't move through the building - you get a one-point perspective."
Like a Renaissance painting, the picture unfolds in one-point perspective.
Some reviewers have described and illustrated with video clips, Kubrick's use of "one-point perspective", which leads the viewer's eye towards a central vanishing point.
Each item has been photographed separately in perfect one-point perspective, creating the strange impression of all things being equal.
Rubas' palace is presented in one-point perspective.
Large in scale, flat of space, they dismiss one-point perspective with astounding aplomb.
Though the receding cliff suggests the artist's familiarity with one-point perspective, the rest of the view is distorted to suggest the vastness of the scene.
It is a simple but striking application of one-point perspective.
In one-point perspective, a human figure near the vanishing point would appear farther away, and thus much smaller, than one in the foreground.
Significantly, Ms. McEneaney operates without benefit of one-point perspective.