The new LD-2 allows a registrant that has no lobbying activity to file a one-page report.
There was a one-page report in the file summarizing Scalari's interview with Sean's psychologist.
Bart, will you dictate a one-page preliminary report to Vera and rush it over to Building One as fast as you can?
But by day's end, the Justice Department relented, and today allowed the C.I.A. to give the panel the disputed document, a one-page report that exonerated Loral and Hughes of hurting national security.
The one-page reports, costing $5 each, are available for more than 1,500 funds.
Valentine laid the first document, his one-page report on finding Sir and relaying the message that Southern Command desperately needed Lifeweaver help, down on the desk.
On May 23, 1962, the Ad Hoc Committee issued a one-page report, Guiding Principles for Federal Architecture, which established these new design principles.
He said it later reported 38 million outstanding shares, which it detailed in a one-page report sent to Mr. Knabb.
He produced a one-page report which the prosecutors found professionally written.
It was that one-page report that persuaded Judge John J. Connell of Monroe County Court to overturn Ms. Tyson's conviction.