A one-minute promotional video was released in December 2009.
Filming started in October 2008 and the production company Senka film was allocated a budget of €190,000 by the government to complete the one-minute video.
He also put together a one-minute video of the property, which he posted on YouTube, the video-sharing Web site.
This one-minute video is a viral video that became a well-known Internet meme among bloggers and message boards for its viewers reaction to the content.
It consists of three one-minute videos.
MacBreak Minutes are short tips that consisted of an application or tool featured in a one-minute condensed video.
We asked performers to submit one-minute videos providing a flavour of their Edinburgh festival acts.
The new DVD includes 56 one-minute videos.
Bill Suchy, our instructor, tells us to go outside and make a one-minute video.
Get a sense of the size and scope of the park by flying over it in a one-minute video.