Gymnastics is $5 anr hour, piano $10, and riding lessons $50 for four one-hour classes.
The one-hour classes, limited to 10 students each, will be held between 9 A.M. and 1 P.M.
The school day runs from 8:40 am to 3:15 pm, and students attend five one-hour classes per day.
The daily one-hour classes plus twice-a-week readings are generally taught by the Writers Workshop or writers who live here.
Their one-hour classes combine elements of yoga, ballet barre work, core conditioning, stretching, and orthopedic exercises.
For $125, up to 15 children 1 to 4 years old can participate in a one-hour special class organized around Gymboree activities at these centers.
There are one-hour demonstration-and-lunch classes, and demonstrations by local chefs, followed by a trip to their restaurants for lunch.
Core Fusion is a one-hour class devised by two former Lotte Berk instructors.
The fee for most weekly one-hour classes is $90 per month.
The normal courseload for students is three one-hour classes with no more than four students a class plus an additional hour of personal instruction.