WHEN I was growing up, Halloween was a one-day affair.
The very first collaboration trial was a one-day affair on May 19 that heard from no prosecution witnesses and produced immediate, harsh sentences.
Marriage is now a one-day affair, which asserts an individual's social and financial status especially among the neo-rich; a practice gradually being emulated by lower income groups.
This journey, like so many others they had taken in the last year, was intended to be a one-day affair.
This transition is not a one-day affair.
The Israelis want the conference to be a one-day ceremonial affair that adjourns after a gala opening with Israel and all the Arab parties present.
But not traditional cricket where matches take five days, or even one-day affairs that last seven to nine hours.
Christmas is a one-day affair that's really about shopping.
Some workshops are one-day long affairs and others, weekend retreats.
Matches were one-day affairs, and were 55 overs a side in the first three tournaments, but 50 overs thereafter.