Each channel offers the same one-click access to the Yellow Pages, stock quotes, weather, news groups and several other commonly used functions.
With another click, a frequently visited site can be added to a "favorites" list for one-click access later.
Sometimes, it's convenient to keep an oft-accessed file in the Dock for one-click access or editing.
A "Favorite links" pane has been added, enabling one-click access to common directories.
Then there is My Places, a corner of the welcome screen where the user can set up one-click access to five favorite on-line destinations.
Improved navigation that gives users one-click access to the information they need.
Every desktop window now has a left-side panel that offers one-click access to functions and windows you might want.
Many of Mail's features, some of which are buried in contextual menus, can be added to the toolbar for one-click access.
News & Events links provide one-click access to areas where there is activity of current interest.
Service, which is designed to provide one-click access to a live customer service representative.